Foametea, piatiletka si ferma colectiva: documente diplomatice romanesti, 1926-1936.

Foametea, piatiletka si ferma colectiva: documente diplomatice romanesti, 1926-1936.
Famine, Pyatiletka and Collective Farm in Romanian Diplomatic Documents
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     Famine, Pyatiletka and Collective Farm in Romanian Diplomatic Documents (in Romanian: "Foametea, piatiletka și ferma colectivă: documente diplomatice românești"), edited by Vadim Guzun, North University Press, Baia Mare, 2011, 780 pages. The documents cover a wide range of issues, from current aspects of diplomatic activity, to analyses and complex assessments on specific subjects. The diplomats followed the developments in Soviet Russia - as the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was referred to often at that time - from the initial phase of certain processes that had irreversible effects internally and externally, to the stage where the crisis was overcome or better said, its peak was overcome.
- Note on the edition
- Abreviations
- Foreword
- Chronology
- List of documents and materials
- Documents and materials
- Index.

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